All Grateful Dead shows at Winterland were special; “they weren’t the best at what they do, they were the only ones that do what they do.”
I remember thinking just how special these shows were going to be. Not that I needed a reminder of this fact, but the amount of people lined up for the evening’s show swelled earlier than normal. It went around the block, down the side street and then around the next corner.
A friend of mine made a large batch of peyote tea and filled up a large old-school Thermos brand jug.

A friend of mine made a large batch of peyote tea and filled up a large old-school Thermos brand jug. Together, with tea and small cups in hand, we followed the winding line, and offered all those who desired, our peyote tea. Needless to say, this endeavor got the evening festivities off to a great start early. And it continued through the night, as water bottles, with who knows what, were passed from reveler to reveler, enhancing every moment of the evening’s experience. One to never be forgotten.
~Boo Boo