I spent my formative years at Winterland as I attended UC Berkeley from 1973 to 1978. I particularly loved the upstairs woman’s bathroom which had a large window and a place to regenerate. The ladies were lovely and it was as if we were all in this “Dead-thing” together.
Unfortunately, the men’s bathroom downstairs was a horrid mess. Toward the end of the night, sawdust would be thrown on the floor to cover the piss and stench. The sawdust would be tracked into the hallway. I once mentioned to the young men in my tribe, how horrible it was that the men did not take care of their bathroom. “Look at this mess!” I exclaimed. They responded by pushing me into the men’s bathroom. Luckily, I held on.
During Bobby songs, a friend and I would dance the swing on a little dance floor stage left.
The long breaks were great because I could visit my friends. Some would always settle on the floor, others on the right, others on the left. My friend Doug was easy to find with his curly red hair and top hat dancing behind the stage. During Bobby songs, a friend and I would dance the swing on a little dance floor stage left. My tribe tended to settle stage left where there was one chair missing that would serve as a good place to dance.
~Mimi Pepitone