I was living in Bellingham Wash. at the time. I was able to get tickets from a friend named Gregg Rydman and we rode to California in a beat up old VW bug that was very cold all the way south. We arrived in S.F. on the 30th and went right to Winterland. Petty was playing that night and while it was cold outside, the line had formed.
We were listening to Petty from outside when Willy let us in to see the show; our spots in line were secure. It was nice to go back into Winterland on NYE.

Going in early got us our seats in the balcony, but we spent time on the floor dancing. The sawdust in the bathroom was dry (it was early) and there were beautiful Blue Rose posters for sale for $5. Much of the night was a blur. We had a visit from Owsley, but St. Stephen and the Bid You Goodnight during breakfast were strong memories. It reminded me of the shows from the early ‘70’s on NYE when we’d come out of the venue after dawn.
~ Richie Greenbaum